“In May 2018, the German postal service released a postage stamp to commemorate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx.”
I did not know this. Why did the German government do that? Marx was a horrible person. His “communism” killed tens-of-millions of people and destroyed many countries.
Consider this: a man who is responsible for more death and destruction than any other human was honored with an official postage stamp in a “democratic” country??? My god, the West is much more diseased than I realized. The German postal official who okayed that Marx stamp should have been thrown into prison.
But wait: the situation gets even more ridiculous: both East and West Germany separately issued official Karl Marx stamps back in 1968.
What is wrong with these freaks in Germany? Have they been eating/drinking industrial chemicals from factory pollution and the chemicals stunted their brains?? Were all the smart people in Germany murdered by the Stasi (secret police)?? How else to explain it? Surely P.C. alone cannot explain it.