Oh, this is really funny. Quick, by a show of hands: how many of you communists in the West: a) refuse to move to the tropical “paradise” called Cuba, b) still live with your bourgeoisie parents, c) buy food at evil, capitalist food stores, d) drive, or ride in, evil, capitalist-made cars and e) own evil, capitalist-made computers? Every one of you! And, how many of you actually believe that the alienated, revolution-minded Jew, Karl Marx, wanted the gentile world to be “equal” and “fair”? As if Marx gave two shits about the well-being of the gentile world. Like all radical Jews, he wanted to upset the apple cart.
Communism has been tried and has been proven to be a failure in numerous countries already. For example, in the Soviet Union and China, after decades of communism, “the state” never “withered away” and disappeared as Marx had promised [1]. For newbies who know little about communism: it was designed by Marx, who hoped that he could destroy the White countries by planting ridiculous ideas in the heads of the White citizens [2]. The scary part: his plan would have worked had more White people embraced communism; but it still might work via a new form of communism known as Cultural Marxism, a.k.a. Political Correctness; more people are embracing Cultural Marxism today than embraced the original communism; even pre-school children are being brainwashed with Cultural Marxism.
One more thing: communism must always kill and oppress large numbers of people, because there are always plenty of citizens who won’t “toe” the Marxist line. As shown in every communist country, those dissenters are always murdered and/or imprisoned.
[1] Many communists call themselves “socialists” because it sounds better — sort of like a burglar saying, “I’m not a burglar, I’m only a trespasser.” Socialism is “pre-communism.” Lenin admitted that “the goal of socialism is communism”